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Writer's pictureFaithful Wealth Builders

Begin with the End in Mind

Steven Covey popularized the phrase "begin with the end in mind" in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Having goals and reverse engineering to accomplish them is a very good practice.

In Matthew 25:14-30, we read about the parable of the talents. A wealthy man entrusted his possessions to others to manage for him while he was away. Some of these people multiplied what they had been given and they were praised for it.

Specifically, in verse 23, we read, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!"

Do we long to hear this from our Lord one day?

What talents (monetary and non-monetary) has God given you to multiply?

How are you multiplying the talents you have been given for His Kingdom?

As Faithful Wealth Builders, we are focused on our responsibility to multiply what God has entrusted to us so we can be a greater blessing to others for His glory!

I have no desire to help rich people get richer, but I do want to help Christians bless others more!

What if you could retire years earlier to invest more time and energy into what’s most important to you?

What if you could provide more resources to help your family in the future?

What if you could donate significantly more money to causes you are passionate about?

Money is simply a tool to accomplish greater eternal purposes when used wisely.


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